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why not? and just for everyone's information, LAUBO probably didnt even view this so he is cheating.
There's no story... And I don't even know Silent Hill...
But it did have a story, ad sound and some text, and it'll be better
Like what Sumtallbumdude said:
I also find it sad that lots of christians die because of their beliefs, I think those christians shouldn't believe at all: and next time, you should make a movie about the truth: christians killing poor and innocent 3rd world country-people by converting them, then building a church and then asking those poor people for money.
That Sucked!!
try harder....!!!! please, that really sucked......
Sorry man
to simplistic, to short, ok it's scarry, but you didn't really put any effort in it I think, better next time!
You could make a preloader...
not very advanced -LAUBO.TK -Kontiki
Age 35, Male
TV, Computer
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Joined on 1/22/03